Blackboard courses

The Deanship of e-Learning at the Faculty of Arts for Girls in Abha A series of training courses for female students To teach them how to use Blackboard and benefit from it Where these courses were launched on Wednesday, 4 Muharram 1438 In the e-Learning Lab (21) in Building (A) The third round is presented by Professor Najoud Al-Seif 

The importance of establishing these courses is at the beginning of each semester To the provision of e-services for university students Which contribute effectively to save time and effort and increase the student's connection to the member or member And the possibility of continuous communication between them The University administration has been keen to update these services on a regular basis So that everyone can use it to suit his needs, whether students or members

Different dates and days have been set for this session So that all students can attend in accordance with the schedule It is not inconsistent with her lectures, according to what is related to them

It is pre-announced in all the advertising screens of the college So that the student can know the times so that she can attend
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