college Council

college Council

The College Council consists of the Dean and the membership of:

Vice Dean for Administrative Affairs

Vice Dean for Academic Affairs

Vice Dean for Development and Quality

addition to the heads of departments in the college

Organization of the Council:

 The College Council shall meet at least once a month and the meeting shall be valid only by two-thirds of its members

 Decisions of the Council shall be issued by an absolute majority of the votes of the members present

Decisions of the Council shall be valid unless it is objectionable by the Rector within 15 days from the date of receipt. If I object to it, it shall be returned to the College Council with a view to study it again. If the Board remains in its opinion, the objection shall be referred to the University Council for decision. In the first ordinary or extraordinary session. The Council of the League may approve, amend or cancel the decision, and its decision shall be final.

Functions of the Council:

.Encourage the preparation of scientific research and coordination between the departments of the college or the Institute and work on publishing

.Suggesting the appointment of faculty members, lecturers, lecturers, and their representatives, and their scarves and promotions

.To propose or amend study plans with coordination between departments

.Proposing curricula, textbooks and references in the departments of the college or institute after coordination between departments

.Propose the dates of the examinations and establish the regulations for conducting them

.Proposing the internal regulations in the college

.Proposing the administrative plans and the necessary missions for the college or institute

.Proposing a plan for the curricular activity of the college

.Decide on the student affairs that fall under his jurisdiction and guidance to the University Council except that

.Consider what is referred to him by the university council, its president, vice president, university agents, or dean of the college for study and opinion

.Recommend the approval of the strategic plan of the College in line with the strategic plan of the University

.Recommending the establishment of a strategy for scientific research in the faculty linked to the university research plan

.Recommending the approval of the general plan for the application of quality and academic accreditation in the college

.Approval of the development of the controls for acceptance and transfer from the College and in coordination with the Deanship of Admission and Registration

.Approval of the formation of committees from among its members

Powers of the Council

Student affairs

Academic affairs

The affairs of Saudi and non-Saudi faculty members

Scholarships and training

Graduate Studies