Alumni and Employment Committee


Communicate with the local and regional community and contribute to reducing the unemployment problem and the gap between the outputs of the college and the labor market through the method and the scientific approach, which is to know the needs of the different sectors of society and exploit the opportunities available and knowledge of strengths and weaknesses in the university outputs and directing them commensurate with the needs of society according to quality standards


                                                                                                                                                               the letter

Building a generation of female students with high abilities and skills in the face of future challenges through an independent administrative unit managed by administrative and scientific cadres specialized in communication and finding harmony between the outputs of the college and the beneficiaries and follow-up and development and embodiment of the community partnership sought by the University

strategic goals

Building a communication channel between the college graduates on the one hand and the labor market on the other
Preparing an online page for the graduate unit on the university website
stablishing databases for female graduates and linking them to the university site
Supporting the dissemination of quality culture and awareness of the importance of evaluating performance at all levels
Contribute to the provision of employment opportunities for female graduates commensurate with their specializations by advertising these jobs and encouraging female graduates to benefit from them
Developing the skills of female graduates through the organization of training programs and qualifications that are adapted to the needs of the labor market and help to recruit them
Effective communication with the fields of work to find job opportunities for university graduates easily and easily, and gaining the trust of the community in the educational process at the university
To provide special studies on the number of graduates of the college and the percentage of female workers and unemployed, and provide the interested parties with the results of these studies


Organizational structure of the unit

                            Deputy Development and Quality Unit

                           Coordinator of Alumni and Employment Unit


Unit functions

The unit was divided into three main sections (Public Relations Department, Career Rehabilitation Section, Development and Follow-up Section)

​Ctudy of the labor market and its relation to the practical disciplines and programs required

Contributing to the recruitment of new graduates

Presentation of the success stories of some graduates in various fields

Organizing the Annual Employment Forum for Female Graduates

Create a page for female graduates on the university's website so that they can register their data and communicate with the university

Announcing the programs of innovative and distinguished graduates serving the community and the university


Terms of reference

Coordination with civil society institutions related to the study and development of human resources and employment of university graduates
Follow-up of female graduates and increased engagement and communication with them
Collecting data on female graduates and finding a mechanism and channel for communication and communication with them
Conduct research, studies and surveys on the requirements of the labor market with graduates in relation to the required numbers of different disciplines

General plan of the unit

To renew the results of previous years for female graduates, especially old ones
Preparation of a database for female graduates (started)
Preparation of a database on female graduates' bodies (work started)
Worked as a poster and folded on the unit of graduates and employment. (Completed)
Preparation for annual employment meeting.
Periodic visits to the graduates' workplaces and a report on them
Conducting workshops and training courses in writing skills, passing personal interviews, job market requirements, social skills required for the labor market, etc.
Addressing the recruitment authorities with the names of the first graduates of the university to provide employment opportunities for them.
Organizing an annual meeting of female graduates to present the current achievements and future aspirations on the affairs of graduates and employment.