Used Books


The library of textbooks used in 1437/1436 e

Library Location (A.2.19)

Where students receive books and classified according to sections and put the logo of the Library

And then loaned to the students and signed to return after benefiting from them

The idea was encouraged by a noticeable interest of female students, who rushed to donate books to be used

Under the supervision of Professor Hana Al-Sorour .. Media and Public Relations

The library should be a collection of textbooks used by all female students, faculty members and female employees.


the letter:
 To be an excellent center in the recycling of used textbooks and a collection point for these books and to preserve them for reuse.



1 / The possibility of obtaining textbooks without payment to support the educational process at the university.
2 / employ the energies of students in the organization of the library and work in a fast and distinct way.
3 / Recycle the used textbooks and the benefit of female students